



主演:Iryna Verenych-Ostrovska





  Anna is a 35-year-old single mother and a paramedic. One morning, as Anna is on the way to drop her daughter Katia at school, Katia is hit by a car. While her daughter is in a coma, Anna is informed that the driver was 18-year-old Marina, the daughter of a rich family. Marina’s mother is running for mayor and is willing to pay whatever to sweep the situation under the rug. The deal between the two parts is signed, yet is soon set off the table when the young girl suddenly dies.
  Anna turns her grief into a search for justice, a fight against courts, police, and the hospital she works for. When Marina is found not guilty, Anna realizes that it’s not just the rest of the world that has let her down, but her own family as well. Now her quest for justice gradually becomes a quest for revenge…

所有邪佞之人沉默的证人放·逐赤焰战场(国语版)吾父吾子柯南和凯尔第二季昂首阔步 第二季亚历山大大帝:封神之路午夜巴塞罗那不可思议学园继母与女儿的蓝调2022年谨贺新年SP真相大白(国语版)浩九的爱情战火中的花蕾红色追击令大世界扭蛋机:成长之前我会变成巨人移民云水怒妹妹恋人香料与魔法局长汤米分歧者2:绝地反击自我人生一百样东西弹无虚发之葬马麻雀放浪记绯闻女孩 第一季犯罪心理 第七季消消气第十一季悲情丽人你的婚礼疯狂的彩票血玫瑰堕落街传奇 第二季飞越迷城理想男子我是大哥大 电影版奔腾年代第四季燃烧吧!剑

