1 ) 莫道德审判和标签化
2 ) 一个故事
温情,真实,不过分渲染什么,就是慢慢的叙述。 当时一直觉得演员颜值老,但是必须说演技要不错才可以诠释那种不一般的温情感。
片头Tim狂奔打电话问John的位置,因为他感觉他记不住正在lose it;
John带着氧气管和Tim make love的那一幕,一种无言的叹息,特别是此时的背景乐的贴切;
3 ) Holding the man, an Australian gay bible
I didn't make it to the world premiere of Holding the man (2015) last Sunday in Sydney State Theater. But many friends went and spoke highly of. I did a quick check online and found out how influential the book has been ,basically the gay bible for Australian LGBT groups. Published in 1994, this auto-biography of Timothy Conigrave has shocked the whole Australia by its pure and real narration on homosexual love and also the description period in 1980s when HIV stroke Australia. And the play, adapted by Tommy Murphy in 2005, was also a legend in Australian theatre history, totally crash of ticket box wherever it toured. Not only has the play been on in almost every major cities in Australia and adapted by multiple theater companies such as Belvoir and Australia theater company, it also has made to London and LA for world tour. The legend continues for almost ten years and finally in 2014, director decided to adapt this story to big screen. While Tommy Murphy got rehired as screenplay writer and two hot popular Australian actors as lead, this movie has definitely become the most expected movie of the year. Audiences may get a bit worried due to the hyper successful play as a comparison. As a story about intimacy and delicate emotions, it could be much more easily demonstrated on a single stage with touching and smart dialogues. Fancy cinematographic work or extra mise-en scene could serve as minor importance in story-telling itself. But still, there are definitely more space to develop this romance in film.
It is the autobiography at first place that attracted most, with the real story of Timothy and his 15-year partners John holding hand together through bitter-sweet first love, sex, fights, disease and finally death.
I'm such kind of person who just cannot hold back my curiosity on such literary works. After searching online without finding new books to sell or ebook to download, I went down to the uni library and borrowed the only copy of Murphy's play. While unfortunately there was still no Timothy's work, it's worth reading the play first to see how he carried out this life-long story in a two-act play.
It didn't take me long to read, maybe 2 hours or so. But I was sort of blushed inbetween sometimes, imagining the actors talking so bluntly at stage, about the expression of love and sex. Murphy ingeniously separate the two acts with scenes of love and sorrow, making audiences smile or unable to stop laughing for some of humors at first but incredibly sad and may even cry out loud during the second set. Handful of casts but every role is just en-punto.
The very thing that touched me in this play is that the whole storyline and every details of love and conflicts are so real, which could happening any place or just next-door, but people just failed to notice how normal LGBT group is or how fragile true love is, as any types of groups or love. But all we could think about is "weird" "sissy""always fighting for marriage""unhealty life styles" or "HIV positive " and so on.
Three scenes in the play has left me strong impression.
The first one lie in the beginning when Tim wrote John the letter after their first date, talking about the erection he had and masturbation afterwords with the worry about the expression on sex could be so rush for a new couple. The monologue felt so bold yet cute when actually spoken out from a 16-year old schoolboy. While john is the one who actually read the letter with Tim adding up some of his feeling on the side, the audiences could definitely feel the chemistry and the beautiful blump in-between.
The second could be when Tim, in his puberty and freshly new in college, went throughout all these temptation in gay bar and gay peers. He gradually accepted the "non-monogamy or open relationship" theory and decided to separate with John for a while. He alleged that they are both "sexual inexperienced" due to long relationship with purely each other . I believe that most of the audiences and readers will feel the stupidity and ignorance of Tim to trying to sabotage this wonderful relationship and affection(which has been built up throughout the previous scenes). This can be a turning point of the play and indicated the heartbreaking ending, especially when Tim regretted to have infected AIDS to John and cried in front her mom for redemption. But ultimately it shocks me by putting out straightly and ruthlessly how fragile love could be when facing temptations and fresh inspirations.
My finally emotional outcry goes to a simple gesture or move instead a complete scene. Though I have to admit that the whole "finding out HIV positive" scenes is torturing and heartbreaking. The simple gesture that Tim "lifts up John's shirt with his mouth and snaked his head underneath it" when they lay on bed after the news and couldn't go to sleep. With too many briliant dialogues and plots in this play, this move had just crushed all the doubts and sadness about their relationship, leaving the ultimate intimacy and trust and treasure of each other. When that scene is supposed to be haunted with endless sorrow from on and off stage, this move has made us recall the beauty of love and support. Since in the play, the bed was hanging vertical above stage (audiences actually standing while leaning on the bed) , making audience have every move in sight. What's more, the design stage is lovely with the dim and lovely light around the bed on the dark and only some photos of their life together seen from behind. I can barely think of any better innovation in the film to surpass this scene.
Though over three theaters around Australia has their versions and actors for this play, I still adore the first pair in Belvoir Sydney, Guy Edmond and Matt Zeremes just got this absolute chemistry and original innocence on those two characters, though the Brisbane version got much handsome ones.
Anyway, looking forward to this film in August. I couldn't help but respecting Tommy Murphy as such a young successful playwright, hoping he could have more work on big screen as well.
4 ) 关于Holding the Man的那些事
原著的前半部分很像青春小说,生动、精彩又理想化;原著的中后部非常回忆录,全面的纪实,所以有些乏味而冗长,人物形象(主要是Tim)因为负面内容而全面、真实却不讨人喜欢。书写到最后的时候,想必Tim本人已经进入身体机能衰退的晚期了,文学性较差,字里行间透露着“再写出一些关于John生前的事情吧”这样的想法。Tim最让我难以接受的是,他从来没有因此对曾经放浪形骸的生活进行过反思。即使在得知是自己传染的John以后,依然会要和其他年轻美好的肉体发生关系,死性不改。书中的John是完美的,而Tim是有弱点的,这正是由于Tim对John深深的爱恋和对读者的诚恳。前半部分很像小说《Call Me by Your Name》但是略比后者不足,然而这是全书最精彩最令人回味的部分了。
Holding the Man原著和舞台剧在澳洲都是家喻户晓的,所以导演编剧的很多安排都是为了了解这个故事的观众考虑的。幕后访谈中,Ryan落落大方,Craig居然激进机智又幽默,和John的性格完全不同。而导演和编剧却是没什么野心,一板一眼。难怪这么好一个故事,各种问题都是一带而过,仿佛刻意弱化了矛盾冲突。
原著描写Tim进入Monash大学Gaysoc协会的部分,我正好是在Monash Queer Lounge看的,和我在现实中经历过的情形相似到令我起了一身鸡皮疙瘩。看到结尾的时候,图书馆马上就要关门,我跳过了一些最后的治疗过程,对Tim和Bob的争执也是兴味索然。看完写给John的最后一封信,图书馆里已经只剩工作人员和我了。迅速收拾好东西,一边走一边回味着Tim和John的相识相恋以及最后的分离,想到他们曾经都是脚下这片土地上生活过也消逝了的生命,忍不住眼泪濡湿了眼眶。有个男同学看到我的神情,有些惊讶,犹豫着问道“You all right mate?”,然而我却太尴尬不能回答,只能速速地离去……
5 ) 关于爱情
分两次才看完,因为看到一半悲伤到没有勇气继续。电影中很多很多的小细节给我留下了异常深刻的印象。 Tim与Richard握手后的不自然,最后Tim拆礼物时的躁动与忍耐还有当时John温柔的目光与声音。喜欢John对于Tim探索与其他人性爱的拒绝与直白的表达,看到他在打沙滩排球时冲上去分开Tim与另一个男孩并狠狠给了Tim一拳觉得非常欣慰,同时看到他一个人转身离去,轻声ask for a ride又突然很心疼。抛开同性与艾滋的话题,这就是一部非常写事感人的爱情故事,青春的爱恋,现实与诱惑,以及最后的分离,我希望他们的灵魂最终是相守的。Tim, John was always beside you.
关于艾滋,看完电影心中当然的会为John不值。可是大概这就是现实,那么多的爱恋与不离不弃抵不过一个意外。我试着不去想究竟John是献血意外感染还是因为open relationship时与不同人的性爱传染。大概这就是现实,充满了意外与不公。然而John从来没有为此后悔,埋怨或是为自己的病感到羞愧,他对生活对爱有一种温柔但坚定的勇气。
6 ) Hold Him Close》
这部同名电影改编自有澳洲同志版“罗密欧与茱丽叶”之称的真人真事小说《Holding The Man》,故事主轴都在描写一段长达十六年的爱情。本书作者是蒂莫西‧康格里夫 (Timothy Conigrave) 三十四年短暂人生的回忆录,也是蒂莫西写给同志爱人约翰·可列奥(John Caleo)的最后情书。
哭。Ryan Corr路转粉。
一般阅读过原著再去观影往往都会以失望收场, 可抛去大量删减的情节, 抱紧他这部电影丝毫不亚于原著。这部甜美又不失苦涩, 幽默又不乏凝重, 在短短的两小时内让观众笑中带泪, 在不同的情感领域里兜转, 再加之两位主演惊呼完美的演技, 也要给五分。Tim and John, forever.
蛮不错的电影 就是讲的有点仓促……tim太帅!……该片根据墨尔本真人故事改编 原男主人公是我大学校友-莫纳什
Craig Stott的演技太好啦,我想献一颗星星给他炙热、深情、忠贞的凝视
在墨尔本和悉尼的白人中这本书流传之广令人诧异。这本书也给那些已经得HIV的朋友带去了很多鼓励和支持。不论电影的好坏,它给大家带去了一个生动的形象,如果之后再回到书本中去可以有更深刻的理解和想象。但是终究2个小时的电影不能完全把书上的每一个细节都表现的淋漓尽致。Anyway hope them R.I.P.
典型的同志电影套路大集合:校园试探小清新,保守家长恶势力,同志平权喊口号,双双艾滋泪花噙,临终告别赛韩剧,最后葬礼拦住你。真是每个点都踩到……伟大的美剧主演Will Trueman告诉我们:同志电影烂爆了,但是我们还是要支持它,谁让这是我们的政治任务。