What do you do with the mad you feel when you feel so mad you could bite, when the whole wide world seems oh so wrong and nothing you do seems very right? It's great to be able to stop, when you've planned a thing that's wrong, and be able to do something else instead and think this song. I can stop when I want to, can stop when I wish, can stop, stop, stop anytime. Know that there's something deep inside that helps us become what we can.
2018年,一部由汤姆·汉克斯出演的纪录片《与我为邻》(Won't You Be My Neighbor?)在烂番茄网获得99%的好评。该片的主人公弗雷德·罗杰斯(Fred Rogers)是美国最著名、影响最深远的儿童电视节目《罗杰斯先生的邻居》(Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood)的制作人及主持人。他从1968年开始主持的《罗杰斯先生的邻居》,影响了四十年间一代代的美国儿童。
罗杰斯于1928年3月20日出生于宾夕法尼亚州拉特罗布(Latrobe)。母亲南希·罗杰斯(Nancy McFeely Rogers)和父亲詹姆斯·罗杰斯(James Hillis Rogers)都是乐于助人的慈善家,他们的基督信仰和慷慨捐赠对罗杰斯的成长带来很大影响。
罗杰斯的一位儿时好友埃德·肖沃尔特(Ed Yogi Showalter)记得,即使是在上小学时,罗杰斯就受到了父母的影响。“罗杰斯向他的父母报告说,他班上的孩子正在讨论一个小同学的父母甚至买不起鞋子给他穿。没过几天,这个男孩就穿着崭新的高帮鞋出现在学校。”罗杰斯和这些家庭的孩子们一起上学,他为父母的善行感到自豪。
1946年,二战刚结束,罗杰斯从高中毕业。他对摆在面前的各种可能性感到兴奋,最终选择了达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)。父亲希望他毕业能回到家乡跟他一起做生意。但他告诉家人,他打算在大学毕业后成为长老会牧师。他计划去附近备受推崇的西方神学院就读(Western Theological Seminary,后来被称为匹兹堡神学院)。
根据罗杰斯的好友比尔·巴克牧师(Bill Barker)的说法,匹兹堡长老会的领袖非常保守,缺乏想象力,看不到罗杰斯的想法的潜力。
正如乔伊斯·米尔曼(Joyce Millman)在1999年、《罗杰斯先生的邻居》开播30周年的时候所写的,罗杰斯一直抵制商业推广、时尚潮流和技术闪光……儿童的基本需求不会随着时间而改变。这种对超越时间的事物的关注帮助这个节目变得具有永恒意义。
在《福音联盟》的资深编辑布雷特·麦奎恩(Brett McCracken)眼中,作为牧师,罗杰斯把儿童视为自己的使命目标,把电视视为自己的工具。虽然赞助节目的政府不让罗杰斯公开宣讲宗教信息,但罗杰斯确实呈现了许多基督教价值观。
对于罗杰斯在电视媒体中所展现出来的真正的勇敢,1981年那一集节目有最清晰地体现。那一集讲述的是10岁的男孩、四肢瘫痪、智商极高的杰夫·厄兰格(Jeff Erlanger),他从四岁起就坐在轮椅上。镜头聚焦在罗杰斯身上,他问杰夫轮椅的机械装置,语气和他问杰夫最喜欢的冰淇淋口味时没有什么不同。
An ordained minister in Pittsburgh, Mr. Rogers (1928-2003) is the show-runner and host of Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood, a children’s program of PBS, ran from 1968 to 2001. What singularly distinguishes Mr. Rogers from his coevals is his affable persona (which is almost too good-natured to invite skepticism that it is just a front in front of the camera) and his far-reaching, forward-looking philosophy that “every child is inherently special” and he in earnest, “loves each and every kid in the way they are”. And Neville’s quasi-cradle-to-grave documentary makes an eloquent case of lionizing Mr. Rogers, it is a hagiography, but indeed, for such a saintlike figure, the “h” word is fair and square.
Collating Rogers’ own footage (of the show, his interview and other televised occasions, predominantly the one during 1969 US Senate Subcommittee on Communications, modulated by John Pastore, his cogent testimony which secured funding for PBS at then), the usual talking heads of his family, friends and colleagues, doling out succinct comments, recollections or anecdotes, with children-friendly snippets of animation, WON’T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR? comprehensively encompasses almost all the hot-button topics and accidents during Mr. Rogers’ life: consumerism, racism, warfare, homosexuality, JFK’s assassination, The Challenger disaster, among others.
By conventional estimation, those aforementioned issues are simply not apposite for the show’s key demo (roughly toddler to preteen), but Mr. Rogers knows better and in the movie’s very first scene, he frankly muses that a young child needs certain modulations to prepare them for the real world, thus he becomes their modulator, inculcating cracker-barrel nuggets through his show, the Neighborhood of Making-Believe and his trademark puppetry, without dumbing down their nuts and bolts of. On that aspect, an affable Mr. Rogers is an indomitable force, and his endeavor’s vast beneficence is validated by the massive popularity he has amassed spanning over three decades.
Of course, one of the major curiosities lies in Mr. Rogers’ almost inconceivable all-around decency as a human being, which does not tally with our time-honored conviction that each person is a complex entity, what is Mr. Rogers’ dark side? That is a question the documentary tactfully evades, but on a second thought, if one’s dark side is rather disproportional compared to their oceanic goodness and sageness, why should anyone want to be a fault-finding rubbernecker? At the end of the day, it is Mr. Rogers’ indiscriminately wholesome christianity that gets the best of any dyed-in-the-wool cynics, WON’T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR? is like its subjects, soft-spoken and well-intentioned, blissfully illuminating, whole-heartedly humble, an efficacious antidote to our troubled times.
referential entries: Neville’s 20 FEET FROM STARDOM (2013, 6.1/10); Marielle Heller’s A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD (2019, 7.6/10).
"Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now."
"Listening is where love begins: listening to ourselves and then to our neighbors."
片中还提到一个有趣的细节,就是罗杰斯先生喜欢数字143。1代表我(I),4代表爱(love),3代表(you)。他经常游泳完去称重,体重143 pounds (~65kg)。他从1960s时候基本保持着这个体重。马友友很惊叹他能一直做到这一点。
Many Ways To Say I Love You
There are many ways to say I love you There are many ways to say I care about you. Many ways, many ways, many ways to say I love you.
There's the singing way to say I love you There's the singing something someone really likes to hear, The singing way, the singing way, the singing way to say I love you.
Cleaning up a room can say I love you. Hanging up a coat before you're asked to Drawing special pictures for the holidays and Making plays.
You'll find many ways to say I love you. You'll find many ways to understand what love is. Many ways, many ways, many ways to say I love you.
Singing, cleaning, Drawing, being Understanding, Love you.
“More and more I’ve come to understand that listening is one of the most important things we can do for one another. Whether the other be an adult or a child, our engagement in listening to who that person is can often be our greatest gift.” ~Fred Rogers
Silence today is so rare, so undervalued, that it is an act of resistance.
I’d like to give you all an invisible gift. A gift of a silent minute to think about those who have helped you become who you are today。
It's you I like
It's not the things you wear
It's not the way you do your hair
But it's you I like
The way you are right now
The way down deep inside you
Not the things that hide you
Not your toys
They're just beside you
But it's you I like
Every part of you
Your skin, your eyes, your feelings
Whether old or new
I hope that you'll remember
Even when you're feeling blue
That it's you I like
It's you yourself
It's you
It's you I like
片子里很令人感动的一幕,就是罗杰斯先生和坐在轮椅上的男孩Jeff Erlanger一起唱这首歌。
他从不把收看他节目的孩子们作为商业目标以获取利益。他所作的,是帮助孩子们意识到自身的价值。他的节目布景里一边是他平淡无奇的客厅,一边是make believe小镇,却成了孩子们童年最宝贵的财富。
他的真诚和对孩子们的爱,甚至打动了参议员 (起初态度非常轻蔑),为PBS电视台获得了2千万美元的资金支持。(//www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKy7ljRr0AA)
罗杰斯先生的独特之处,就如Brett McCracken写的影评题目所说:“他让良善显得吸引人(Mister Rogers Made Goodness Attractive) 。”
Fred Rogers’ 2002 Commencement Address
Wow. What a privilege to be with you all. Since I’ve arrived here in Hanover, many people have greeted me by saying, “It’s a beautiful day in this neighborhood.”Well, indeed it is a beautiful day, but before I begin, I’d like you to know that I recognize that you, who live and work here, have had many days, particularly during these last several months, that have been far from beautiful. You’ve had a painful time, and you’ve handled it with dignity. I feel certain that the Zantop’s generous spirits inspire you. And it’s a great privilege for me to be with you all.
When I was at Dartmouth in the late 1940s, the tuition, room, and board all added up to $1,100 a year. Nobody owned a home computer, and hardly anyone had a television set. And those who did, there was a choice of three channels. I’m not sure if Jeanne Shaheen was even born yet, but very few people would have guessed that within 50 years, a woman would be governor or New Hampshire. Yes. When I was here, the first word of the alma mater was “Men. Men of Dartmouth give a rouse.”Well, now the first word is "Dear." Some things change for the better.
During my first year here, I lived right over there at 101 Middle Mass. And I had two roommates. I had a professor, over there, who did his best to scare everyone in his class, and he gave me the lowest grade that I ever had in any school anywhere. But I also had an astronomy professor, George Dimitrov, who looked for and found what was best in each of his students. When I look at the night sky, I still think of that extra special, kind man.
Dartmouth is many things to each of us, and I'm grateful to Jim and Susan Wright for all that they have done for this school. And I’m grateful to my old friend, Chick Koop, for all that he has done for all of us. And I congratulate every one of you who is being honored in any way during this Commencement weekend.
Our world hangs like a magnificent jewel in the vastness of space. Every one of us is a part of that jewel. A facet of that jewel. And in the perspective of infinity, our differences are infinitesimal. We are intimately related. May we never even pretend that we are not.
Have you heard my favorite story that came from the Seattle Special Olympics? Well, for the 100-yard dash, there were nine contestants, all of them so-called physically or mentally disabled. All nine of them assembled at the starting line, and at the sound of the gun, they took off. But not long afterward, one little boy stumbled and fell, and hurt his knee and began to cry. The other eight children heard him crying. They slowed down, turned around, and ran back to him. Every one of them ran back to him. One little girl with Down Syndrome bent down and kissed the boy, and said, “This'll make it better.”The little boy got up, and he and the rest of the runners linked their arms together, and joyfully walked to the finish line. They all finished the race at the same time. And when they did, everyone in that stadium stood up, and clapped, and whistled, and cheered for a long, long time. People who were there are still telling this story with great delight. And you know why. Because deep down, we know that what matters in this life is more than winning for ourselves. What really matters is helping others win, too. Even if it means slowing down and changing our course now and then.
Anicius Manlius Severinus Boethius—what a name—was the last of the great Roman philosophers, and the first of the scholastics of the Middle Ages. Fifteen hundred years ago, Boethius wrote this sentence, “O happy race of mortals, if your hearts are ruled as is the universe, by Love.”
I was once invited to sit in on a master class of six young cellists from the Pittsburgh Youth Symphony Orchestra. The master teacher was Yo-Yo Ma. Now, Yo-Yo is the most other-oriented genius I’ve every known. His music comes from a very deep place within his being. And during that master class, Yo-Yo gently led those young cellists into understandings about their instruments, their music, and their selves, which some of them told me later, they’d carry with them forever.
I can still see the face of one young man who had just finished playing a movement of Brahms’Cello Sonata, when Yo-Yo said, “Nobody else can make the sound you make.”Of course, he meant that as a compliment to the young man. Nevertheless, he meant that also for everyone in the class. Nobody else can make the sound you make. Nobody else can choose to make that particular sound in that particular way.
I’m very much interested in choices, and what it is, and who it is, that enable us human beings to make the choices we make all through our lives. What choices lead to ethnic cleansing? What choices lead to healing? What choices lead to the destruction of the environment, the erosion of the Sabbath, suicide bombings, or teenagers shooting teachers. What choices encourage heroism in the midst of chaos?
I have a lot of framed things in my office, which people have given to me through the years. And on my walls are Greek, and Hebrew, and Russian, and Chinese. And beside my chair, is a French sentence from Saint-Exupery’sLittle Prince. It reads, “L’essential est invisible pour les yeux.”What is essential is invisible to the eye. Well, what is essential about you? And who are those who have helped you become the person you are? Anyone who has ever graduated from a college, anyone who has ever been able to sustain a good work, has had at least one person, and often many, who have believed in him or her. We just don’t get to be competent human beings without a lot of different investments from others.
I’d like to give you all an invisible gift. A gift of a silent minute to think about those who have helped you become who you are today. Some of them may be here right now. Some may be far away. Some, like my astronomy professor, may even be in Heaven. But wherever they are, if they’ve loved you, and encouraged you, and wanted what was best in life for you, they’re right inside your self. And I feel that you deserve quiet time, on this special occasion, to devote some thought to them. So, let’s just take a minute, in honor of those that have cared about us all along the way. One silent minute.
Whomever you’ve been thinking about, imagine how grateful they must be, that during your silent times, you remember how important they are to you. It’s not the honors and the prizes, and the fancy outsides of life which ultimately nourish our souls. It’s the knowing that we can be trusted. That we never have to fear the truth. That the bedrock of our lives, from which we make our choices, is very good stuff.
There’s a neighborhood song that is meant for the child in each of us, and I’dlike to give you the words of that song right now. “It’s you I like, it’s not the things you wear. It’s not the way you do your hair, but it’s you I like. The way you are right now, the way down deep inside you. Not the things that hide you. Not your caps and gowns, they’re just beside you. But it’s you I like. Every part of you. Your skin, your eyes, your feelings. Whether old or new, I hope that you remember, even when you're feeling blue, that it’s you I like. It’s you, yourself, it’s you. It’s you I like.”
And what that ultimately means, of course, is that you don't ever have to do anything sensational for people to love you. When I say it’s you I like, I’m talking about that part of you that knows that life is far more than anything you can ever see, or hear, or touch. That deep part of you, that allows you to stand for those things, without which humankind cannot survive. Love that conquers hate. Peace that rises triumphant over war. And justice that proves more powerful than greed.
So, in all that you do in all of your life, I wish you the strength and the grace to make those choices which will allow you and your neighbor to become the best of whoever you are. Congratulations to you all.
Sometimes I Wonder If I'm A Mistake (with duet) - Fred Rogers
“From the time you were very little, you’ve had people who have smiled you into smiling, people who have talked you into talking, sung you into singing, loved you into loving. Let’s just take some time to think of those extra special people, some may be right here, some may be far away, some may even be in heaven, no matter where they are, deep down you know, they’ve always wanted what was best for you, they’ve always cared about you beyond measure and have encouraged you to be true to the best within you.”
“You know, I think everybody longs to be loved, and longs to know he or she is lovable, and consequently, the greatest thing that we can do is to help somebody know that they’re loved and capable of loving.”
“You have to make each day a special day, by just being yourself, there’s nobody else in the whole world who’s exactly like you, and people can like you as exactly as you are, you are special.” By Fred Rogers
From the time you were very little, you've had people who have smiled you into smiling, people who have talked you into talking, sung you into singing.
Love you into loving.
No matter where they are, deep down you know they've always wanted what was the best for you.
They've always cared about you beyond measure and have encouraged you to be true to the best within you.
即使没有看过他的节目 也有种心被天使触碰的感觉 谢谢你 Mr Rogers
3.5 虽然全程哭崩,但不得不说有点浪费绝对五星的人物题材。结构不够清晰、流于泛泛而谈,引用政治话语上非常民主党派。可惜了。
周六下午场的纪录片,满座,我坐最后一排,前后左右的人包括我自己,一直在拭泪。一个这么温暖的,时刻在爱的人。动画部分也做得非常好,把Mr. Rogers心里那个insecure inner kid表现得很动人,也让人物更有血有肉。143<3
已经听过好多 Mister Rogers 的感人故事,因此反而对他创作这套节目背后的艰辛和质疑感触更深。培养儿童成为消费者,不教他们如何掌控情感,还有刻意诋毁他人,这些行为在半个世纪过后仍旧屡见不鲜。这部纪录片让我知道:Mister Rogers 其实一直都很悲观很愤怒,但他和我们都太不一样了。(另,某短评里说他是“用宗教的思想来教育孩子”,会这么说估计是从来没看过他的节目。Mister Rogers 从不在节目里布道,从不给孩子灌输任何和宗教/政治有关的思想,而是一直在温柔地教导他们该借助哪些工具来思考,如何意识到人与身俱来的内在价值。这是哲学,不是宗教。)
看完不禁感叹good Christian可以到达的境界。用歌声传递与自己握手言和的教诲,温润如玉的君子、润物细无声。@Manor
我非常能理解Mr. Rogers,Rogers关心的人本身,他告诉观众“你是特别的”,其实不是普罗大众意义上的特别,也绝非理所应当的不劳而获,而是说人应该享有被爱的权利以及发展出爱人的能力(这也是决定一个人一生幸福的关键所在)。尽管他有些理想主义的色彩,但他却把这种理想主义付诸于行动,也确实温暖了无数人。
整场电影下来不停的流泪 这样美好的Mr. Rogers 又智慧又柔软的心 在这个有点blue的周五被治愈了
哭懵了...周围来看的都是老头老太,看到后面全是抽鼻子的声音。感谢Mr.Rogers在我生命中出现 我永远记得第一次看节目的那个晚上,然后想象着如果我是看着你节目长大的话 现在会是什么样呢。之前不知道马友友也上过这节目,他的采访片段还特别搞笑hh 还以为Michael Keaton会有采访结果没有【温柔但激进,小老虎daniel太令人心碎
Fred Rogers有意思 但片子不行 就是个流水介绍